Sunday, July 26, 2009

Surfing Goat Soap - More from Hames & Axle Farm

The other day I blogged about Hames & Axle Farm, and how they make the most terrific natural bug repellent. So good that I spent half the afternoon today driving out there to Ashburnham to pick up a few more bottles.

Now that I've visited the farm, I am prepared to rave some more about them! First of all, thanks to Pat and Dave for showing my son & me around their wonderful, happy goat farm. The Nigerian Dwarf Goats were a sheer delight! It seemed that there were a million of them, and each one had its own creative, poetic-sounding name. And each one had a sweet little face and b-a-a-a-a-a-h call to go with it. Anyone who knows me, knows that I paint cats. But today I found a new source of animal inspiration: Nigerian Dwarf Goats! They came in so many different colors and patterns, just like cats. I even saw one that reminded me of my late calico cat, Nellie. And each one has that triangle-shaped head and little dime-slot eyes...I fell in love right away.

The goats weren't the only ones to steal my heart. Happy, free-roaming chickens scratched the rich dark soil looking for goodies or whatever it is that chickens like. Being a child of supermarket-shopping parents (don't eggs come from a carton??), I had never seen this, but apparently it's the way they get exercise and stay happy and healthy--unlike their ill-fated cousins at factory farms everywhere. They were beautiful, clean chickens on this lovely, clean farm.

But lest I forget....I came back here today to say that I neglected to tell you about the Surfing Goat Soaps web site. It was explained to me today that the name comes from the way the little goats like to "surf" atop anything that they can find--tree stumps, rocks, people who kneel down and let them (I speak from experience.) And this web site has more than soap. It has lotions, household stuff and information! Did you know that Pat, breeder of the aforementioned goats, has written a book on Nigerian Dwarf Goats and edits Ruminations; The Nigerian Dwarf and Mini-Dairy Goat magazine? Check out the web site by clicking HERE. I think you'll enjoy it. I can't wait to order some of their goat milk laundry soap.

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