Saturday, August 8, 2009

Vegetarian Dining Guide - Worcester, Mass.

I went to a wonderful event at Elm Park (Worcester, Mass.) the other night. It was called Art in the Park and it was the official opening ceremony for the Art in the Park sculpture show, for lack of a better word. There was live music, food, booths from local organizations, a juggling magician, the whole bit. It was so well-attended it and there were so many smiles, it was a thrill to see!

But today's post is about something near and dear to my heart: healthy food and how hard it usually is to find at public events. But at the August 6 art event, I did something I have never been able to do at an outdoor festival: eat healthy. And by that I mean, no horrid high fructose corn syrup or trans fats or meat with carcinogens and hormones. For some reason most outdoor festivals and events present only this awful "food" and never an alternative. BUT last Thursday I was so happy to stop first at the Buddha Hut table and buy (for a mere $1 each) a few of their amazing "chicken drumsticks" which are not chicken but you would NEVER know it to taste it. Just delicious and golden, probably made with some kind of soy or protein that tastes for all the world like chicken, served with sweet & sour sauce for dipping. Yum!! I can't get enough of these things. Then a few tables later, I found myself face-to-face with a tray of espresso cupcakes made by Barely Legal Treats. It was a wonderful delicious cupcake, but there's more!

The table that had the cupcakes was actually the Veg Worcester table. I had never heard of Veg Worcester before, but I walked away from there with a flyer called the Vegetarian Dining Guide to Worcester, Mass. and it contains a listing of vegetarian restaurants, cafes & bakeries, grocery stores and community events which are either vegeterian, vegan or friendly to both. I suggest you get your hands on this extremely helpful and free guide right away, if you like vegetarian food! Not only that, VegWorcester's web site keeps you up to date on local vegetarian news and events, dining guide, helpful links, a blog and more. Why not bookmark it?

And thanks to both Buddha Hut and Barely Legal Treats (both of Worcester) for letting me eat healthy at this festive public event. Keep it coming!

1 comment:

Drew said...

I'm glad you like the VegWorcester dining guide! Thanks for stopping by the table. :)

Speaking of Buddha Hut, you should swing by there next Saturday. Buddha Hut is holding its monthly vegan buffet and fundraiser for VegWorcester. It's $10 and $1 goes to support VegWorcester. Yeah!