Saturday, January 12, 2008

Worcester, Mass. artist Susan Champeny

I have an artist friend, Susan Champeny, who is a real inspiration. I really love the way she handles her business so professionally, yet never loses sight of the art itself. She doesn't let the business of selling put a damper on her spirit. (This is something I struggle with, in all honesty.) I asked Sue to write a blurb; here it is:

"Susan Champeny is commuting to the Blackstone Valley to paint on-site for the next two months. She is preparing a series of watercolor paintings for a show at the Alternatives Gallery, housed in a rehabbed mill in Whitinsville. She loves the old mills found in the area, and is enjoying an excuse to get outside and paint them, despite the winter weather. If you know of a site you think would be good for her to paint, please send her an email at"

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